Our pricing is transparent and tailored to the scope of services required, whether it’s just managing your year end accountants or also providing payr [...]
In these cases, there’s a risk that you won’t collect the full payment, so it’s wise to wait until you actually receive the payment to recognize it as [...]
By integrating preconstruction parameters, such as bidding and cost building, contractors can quickly move a project from the prework phase into the p [...]
The only difference is that the balance is ascertained after each entry and is written in the debit or credit column of the account. The standard form [...]
A general ledger is a record or collection of accounts containing individual accounts that showcase any transactions related to each of the accounts a [...]
This leadsto a dilemma—whether or not to issue more short-term notes to coverthe deficit. Short-Term Notes Payable decreases (a debit) for the princip [...]
For example, on January 1, as a corporation, we issue 10,000 shares of the common stock for $100,000. These 10,000 shares of the common stock have a p [...]