10 Ways That Resiliency Skills Help Battle Peer Pressure

how to deal with peer pressure

Then, engage them in a conversation about a time when they felt pushed to do something that didn’t align with their values. Your peers may push you to do well in school, eat healthier, or participate in school activities such as sports or what is indirect peer pressure clubs. They may encourage you to do something that is good for you. When teens make a choice that is right for them and stick with it, they learn to express their values. Remind your teens that they are their own people making their own choices. It is up to them (not their friends) to decide what they value.

how to deal with peer pressure

Social Media & Cyberbullying

Is it because all your friends are doing it or you are afraid that if you don’t do particular things your group is doing then they will not talk to you? Crosscheck the reason behind the urge to do something take some time and think about that situation from different angles. Express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions confidently and respectfully.

Parents Matter More Than Peers

A common reason is that we are afraid to say no to others. This could stem from wanting to be liked, or a fear of confrontation. Saying no is an important and useful skill to have in life.

how to deal with peer pressure

Learn to say no

You deserve to surround yourself with supportive people who respect your decisions—not people who pressure you into doing something that doesn’t feel right. Have you ever been pressured to have “one more drink,” or stay out later than you said you’d be home? If so, you’ve been a victim of peer pressure—chances are, most of us have. Peer pressure is the process by which members of the same social group influence other members drug addiction to do things that they may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. Peer pressure is when a peer (or peers) try to influence, or “pressure” you into doing something that you may not want to do. They may try to convince you to use drugs, drink alcohol, have sex, or change your looks.

how to deal with peer pressure

” Sometimes your friends may ask you to do things that you aren’t comfortable with. Sometimes it seems like everyone else is doing something so you might do it to feel “normal.” You’re not alone. Peer pressure is something everyone faces and it happens at all ages. Remind your teens that words are only a small part of the story we tell. Body language is also a big factor in what we communicate to others.

Some young people choose to maintain friendships at the expense of their values. Throughout life we will have different values than coworkers and friends. Part of raising teens includes helping them develop the skills to be clear about their values, while still interacting with people who may have differing ones. Once you identify negative influence from others, it’s time to address it. Learning to deal with peer pressure can help you avoid unfavorable consequences like being untrue to yourself or doing things you don’t want to do.

  • For adolescents, peer relationships are the most important of all thus leading to an increased susceptibility to peer pressure.
  • Take time to reflect on what is important to you and what you stand for.


At this age, research suggests, group dynamics begin to form among children, and some may be excluded from the larger group. Children may begin to worry about balancing a sense of loyalty to their friends with compassion and fairness to others. Keep in mind overcoming peer pressure is not always easy so you need to trust yourself, believe in your abilities, and most important never underestimate the power of your voice and choices. Believe that you are worthy of living a life that is true to yourself.

  • On top of that, it has been linked to crime and juvenile delinquency.
  • We hear much more about direct peer pressure, as it is easier to detect and recognize as problematic.
  • You may also take the chance to discuss the topic with your child when someone happens to bring it up.
  • Another approach is to have your child reflect on both the positive and negative sides of peer pressure.

How You Can Help Your Child Navigate Tricky Scenarios

how to deal with peer pressure

However, doing so would violate your principles and possibly corrupt your future. Fortunately, peer pressure can be resisted with some effort by building your self-esteem and confidence, learning how to say no, and surrounding yourself with more accommodating people. Whenever any type of negative pressure you start experiencing, in that situation instead of agreeing to do something just pause and take deep breaths. Take time to reflect on what is important to you and what you stand for.

Blame Parents

While it might feel bold, it’s often very effective to state that you feel pressured when you do. Sometimes, people who pressure you won’t realize it until you point it out. Regardless, the honest admittance that you feel pressured, especially when it’s repetitive, is an excellent way to stand up for yourself. This can also be referred to as peer influence, since there isn’t clear force or pressure being applied.

Reinforce Values

You can seek out student groups dedicated to service, spirituality, or activism. Structure your time proactively so you have more opportunities to invest https://ecosoberhouse.com/ your time in social activities. Exams, deadlines, and high expectations can cause a lot of stress for students, parents, and educators alike. We all know what it’s like while dealing with peer pressure when so much seems to be riding on performance and meeting goals.

Categories : Sober living

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